Retrofit EMS Part 2: The Current State

R3 Retail Development > Energy Management > Retrofit EMS Part 2: The Current State

Retrofit EMS controls projects can be challenging – and the task of implementing EMS controls across multiple location organizations can be downright daunting. Roll-out projects may seem intimidating with competing demands for resource allocation, variable inputs, and tight timelines to the time required to manage the projects singularly and collectively.

At R3 Retail Development, we utilize a time-tested and proven approach to Retrofit EMS project roll-outs enabling us to seamlessly implement energy management objectives in hundreds of locations within aggressive timelines.

We understand that each location is different, different age, shapes, and sizes of buildings, different equipment and even different customer markets with varying needs. The first step to ensuring the project’s success is understanding these variables and collecting these details in a concise uniform manner.

We start with an on-site – feet on the ground – in-depth survey to collect details and document the unique attributes and needs for that specific location. We utilize real-time browser-based software to collect the data in an organized fashion which becomes the design foundation for the energy management system specific to that site.

Our surveys capture the current state for all systems and building components to create a complete picture of the starting point. Our goal, when the survey is complete, is to have clear documentation on every nuance of the location. We have found that focused surveys which concentrate on single system types do not provide enough information to paint a clear picture of where we are starting from. If we don’t know where we are starting, we can’t fully determine the best way to get to where we want to go.

Our on-site survey is more than documenting the location assets and systems on a piece of paper. We design energy related controls systems every day and understand the nuances that drive varying design decisions. Our survey documents these nuances and creates a photographic map of all the components.

During the survey, our trained experts identify and document any issues or defects. Issues are given a priority rating and assigned to a team member to address. Issues are tracked from the time opened until resolved. Frequently the issues or defects become the low hanging fruit opportunities for improvement.

The defined survey process is one step toward standardizing the variables encountered across locations and is the corner stone for EMS Retrofit roll-out projects success.

By Suzanne Ferguson

About the author

Suzanne Ferguson is a leading program management and process expert with over 20 years’ experience successfully developing and implementing programs and systems across multiple industries. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Eastern Oregon University in Organizational Change and a Masters in Business Administration from Willamette University.


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